The most ignored reason for falls


Falls are increasing in a scary rate lately especially among our  elderly popuations  causing them a lot of problems as fractures, injuries and the worst fear of falling again.

Falls can be caused by variety of reasons but there is an ignored cause for the falls and that’s what I’m about to tell you.

Where are the balance systems in our body?

The balance systems in our body are all located in the head, and these systems are responsible for maintain our balance and protecting us from falling.

What are the balance systems in our body?

  • The ears
  • The eyes
  • The upper three cervical joints

I’ve seen a lot of patients complaining of losing their balance or having vertigo, dizziness and even drop attacks (falling without losing consciousness not a blackout) going to the doctors and everything is fine and the same keeps repeated and their fear of fall increases leaving them wondering what’s going on and they’re forced to stop their activities or being home bound because of that.

If you know or have someone  you love and has the issue of falling and their medications are dosed appropriately, blood pressure is stable, ears and eyes are fine and they don’t know why they still losing their balance, please share with them this information as you might save them from falling.