Have you ever sprained your ankle?.... Here is the best things you can do for it

Everyday in USA 50,000 people sprain their ankles and 90% of them ended up going to the emergency room the other 10% just rest, put ice and wrap their ankle.Here is why this is the WORST thing you did.

Just to make things simper and easier ankle sprain for most people isn't a dangerous things but pain and for some they died because of it.Yes I hear you they literally died as they developed blood clot and this blood clot travelled to their lung so they died.

In the past couple months i heard two stories of my patient's family members who died from ankle sprain same scenario as i said BLOOD CLOT.

I'm not here discussing blood clots or to scare you from ankle sprains I will just tell you what is the best thing you have to do if you sprained your ankle or twisted it to avoid any future complications.

1- Painkillers and rest are not your best options

The reason why i said that because you don't have to mask the pain or hide it but you have to treat it.

2-  You will go to the ER then go home after having x-ray and do nothing about it

There is nothing wrong in going to the ER to be checked out but that's not it you have to treat your ankle with all due respect to the ER doctors but they are there to rule out serious patholigies or for immediate medical interfere NOT ANKLE SPRAIN EXPERTS.

3- The best thing to do after going to the ER if you decided to go is to see a physical therapist  

The reason why you should see a PT is because physical therapists are the movement experts who know how to control your pain and swelling the rehabilitate your ankle to be stronger and then do prevention programs from further injuries in the ankle.

I see everyday patients started with a very small sprain and they ignored it for years and they said to themselves it's just a twinge i will take an overcounter and will be fine but they ended up with more problems  that they thought the will have

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